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On his return from the United States and Cuba, upon arrival in the port of Cádiz, he is greeted by his siblings Isabel and Francisco. Back in Granada, he completes El público. In SEPTEMBER Federico spends a few days in Málaga, where Emilio Prados introduces him to the young poet José Luis Cano. In OCTOBER, in Madrid, he is interviewed by Miguel Pérez Ferrero for the Heraldo de Madrid. DECEMBER: he presents his conference La arquitectura del cante jondo in San Sebastián and in Gijón. The theatrical company Caracol, with Margarita Xirgu as their lead actress, opens La zapatera prodigiosa in the Teatro Español in Madrid. A reading of El público in the home of Morla Lynch. The Christmas holidays in Granada with his family.

In JANUARY, Revista de Occidente publishes poems from Poeta en Nueva York. In MARCH, Federico becomes friends with Argentinian actress Lola Membrives. “La Voz de su Amo” puts out a series of five record albums under the name Canciones populares antiguas, sung by La Argentinita, with harmonies and piano accompaniment by García Lorca. APRIL: the French specialist in Hispanic studies Mathilde Pomès visits him in Madrid. Municipal elections and proclamation of the Second Republic. In JUNE the Poema del cante jondo is edited by Ulises. In the month of AUGUST, back in the Huerta de San Vicente, he finishes the play Así que pasen cinco años. In NOVEMBER, Luis Cernuda dedicates an article in the Heraldo de Madrid to FGL. He begins to write El Diván del Tamarit. The travelling theatre group La Barraca is founded with the patronage of the Republican government; García Lorca is named artistic director, Eduardo Ugarte is assistant director, and Arturo Sáenz de la Calzada is president of the directing committee.

He establishes a friendship with Eduardo Rodríguez Valdivieso in FEBRUARY. Between MARCH and MAY, Federico is intensely busy, giving conferences at the request of the Committees of Intellectual Cooperation, an independent organization. He presents his talk about the cante jondo in Valladolid, Seville, Vigo, La Coruña and Salamanca; and about the poems of New York in Santiago de Compostela, where he also initiates his friendship with Carlos Martínez-Barbeito. In Salamanca, he visits Unamuno in the company of Carlos Morla Lynch and Rafael Martínez Nadal. The conference-recital about New York also takes him to the Residencia de Señoritas in Madrid and to San Sebastián. He writes some poems in the Galician language. In JUNE, he takes part in a posthumous tribute to painter María Blanchard in the Ateneo of Madrid. Several of his poems come to light in the magazine Héroe, recently created by Manuel Altolaguirre and Concha Méndez. Eight of his drawings are displayed in a collective exhibition organized in the Ateneo Popular of Huelva. JULY: La Barraca prepares its first tour. Previously, they give a dress rehearsal of the eucharistic play La vida es sueño, by Calderón de la Barca, in the Residencia de Señoritas of Madrid. The first tour of La Barraca takes in Burgo de Osma, San Leonardo, Vinuesa, Soria, and Almazán. Back in Madrid, they perform in the Residencia de Estudiantes. Federico spends part of AUGUST in the Huerta de San Vicente, where he finishes writing Bodas de sangre. At the end of August, La Barraca sets out on its second tour: La Coruña, Santiago de Compostela, Vigo, Pontevedra, Villagarcía de Arosa, Ribadeo, Grado, Avilés, Oviedo and Cangas de Onís. In SEPTEMBER, in Madrid, he reads Bodas de sangre at the homes of Morla Lynch and of Rafael Martínez Nadal. OCTOBER: La Barraca performs in the Teatro Isabel la Católica in Granada and at the Universidad Central of Madrid. At the end of the month, the theatrical company of Josefina Díaz de Artigas begins rehearsing Bodas de sangre. Federico´s parents move to Madrid, living first at no. 8 General Arrando street, and later at Alcalá no. 102 (today no. 96). In NOVEMBER there is a reading in Pontevedra and a conference about María Blanchard in Lugo. In DECEMBER, he presents the conference about New York in the Hotel Ritz of Barcelona, with the attendance of friends Sebastià Gasch and J. V. Foix. La Barraca presents La vida es sueño in the Teatro Español in Madrid, after which the company travels to Murcia and Alicante, where Federico meets Miguel Hernández.

The year begins with a stay at the recreational house in Toledo (cigarral) of Gregorio Marañón. MARCH sees the opening of Bodas de sangre in the Teatro Beatriz of Madrid, under the company of Josefina Díaz de Artigas, with sets designed and decorated by Santiago Ontañón and Manuel Fontanals. In APRIL, the theatrical club Anfistora, directed by Pura Ucelay, opens in the Teatro Español of Madrid with Amor de don Perlimplín con Belisa en su jardín and a new versión of La zapatera prodigiosa. A friendship with Galician writer Eduardo Blanco-Amor develops. Federico and La Barraca travel to Valladolid, Zamora and Salamanca; and in San Sebastián he offers a reading of Elegía a María Blanchard. In MAY, his name appears among the many signatures on a manifesto against Hitler. Rafael Alberti gives a conference in the Teatro Español, with song and dance by La Argentinita, and García Lorca on the piano. He is romantically involved with Rafael Rodríguez Rapún, who becomes secretary of La Barraca. Premier of Bodas de sangre in Barcelona. La Barraca performs Fuenteovejuna en Valencia, with sets and costumes by Alberto Sánchez. In JUNE, the poet goes to Cádiz to attend the opening of Falla´s El amor brujo starring La Argentinita, who later goes on to repeat the performance at the Residencia de Estudiantes in Madrid. Plans to open Así que pasen cinco años in the Club Teatro Anfistora begin to take shape. JULY is witness to the overwhelming success of Bodas de sangre in Buenos Aires, with Lola Membrives and company; Juan Reforzo, husband and manager of Lola Membrives, invites FGL to Buenos Aires. There is a new tour with La Barraca in AUGUST: León, Mieres, Santander, Pamplona, Huesca, Tudela, Estella, Logroño and Burgos. In México, the first edition of Oda a Walt Whitman comes into print, later to become part of the book Poeta en Nueva York.


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