On the 5th of June, Federico García Lorca is born in Fuente Vaqueros, a village in the valley (vega) near the city of Granada.
A brother, Luis, was born in 1900; but he died of pneumonia in 1902, the year when
brother Francisco was born. In 1903, María de la Concepción (Concha) was born. Between the end of 1906 and early 1907 the family moves to the village then known as Asquerosa (now Valderrubio), also located in the vega of Granada. Federico attends primary school.
From 1908 to 1909 he lives in Almería, with his former teacher Antonio Rodríguez Espinosa, where he begins his bachiller or secondary studies. Due to illness, however, he returns home to his family before finishing the school year.
His sister Isabel is born.
Federico resumes secondary studies in the Colegio del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, in Granada, and studies Music with maestro Antonio Segura. The family spends summers in Málaga, where Federico meets Emilio Prados and Manuel Altolaguirre. He also develops a friendship with painter Manuel Ángeles Ortiz.
Federico begins studies at the University of Granada, in Law and Humanities. His professors include Martín Domínguez Berrueta, for Theory of Literature and the Arts; and Fernando de los Ríos, for Comparative Political Law. Fernando de los Ríos would later become a Minister during Spain´s Second Republic, and his daughter Laura married Francisco García Lorca in 1942, during the years of exile in New York. Federico joins the literary circle known as “Rinconcillo”, in the Café Alameda of Granada, along with members such as José Mora Guarnido, Constantino Ruiz Carnero, Francisco Soriano, Melchor Fernández Almagro, Antonio Gallego Burín, Miguel Pizarro, José and Manuel Fernández Montesinos, Hermenegildo Lanz, Ángel Barrios, and Ismael González de la Serna. Among the fruits of these gatherings was the creation of a spurious poet, Isidoro Capdepón Fernández, whose texts are attributed to FGL; and the earliest drawings by Federico.
He writes the autobiographic prose piece Mi pueblo. His music professor, Antonio Segura, dies; and Federico abandons his musical studies. In June, on a school trip under the direction of Martín Domínguez Berrueta, he goes to Baeza –where he meets Antonio Machado– and to Úbeda, Córdoba and Ronda. The García Lorca family moves to no. 34 of the Gran Vía of Granada. From 15 October to 8 November, a second school trip with Domínguez Berrueta takes Federico to El Escorial, Ávila, Medina del Campo, Salamanca (where he meets Miguel de Unamuno), Santiago de Compostela, La Coruña, Lugo, León, Burgos, Segovia and Madrid. In some of these cities FGL gives public piano recitals.
Another family move, this time to Acera del Casino 31, by the River Genil of Granada. For the centennial celebration of Zorrilla, Federico publishes the prose piece “Fantasía simbólica” in the Boletín del Centro Artístico y Literario de Granada. In JUNE, he travels to Baeza again with Domínguez Berrueta. On 29 June he writes his first poem: “Canción (Ensueño y confusión)”. Another school trip to Madrid, Burgos and Palencia. The testimony of these travels comes through in various writings, some published in the Diario de Burgos during that summer. They became the basis of a posterior book, Impresiones y paisajes. He falls in love with María Luisa Egea.
In March a reading of Impresiones y paisajes in the Artistic and Literary Center of Granada, just a month before its publication in book form. Many poems from his future Libro de poemas can be traced to this period. Friendship and correspondence with Adriano del Valle. Together with Ángel Barrios, Miguel Pizarro and Manuel Ángeles Ortiz, FGL stages a play that they title La historia del tesoro. A lifelong friendship with Emilia Llanos develops. Publication of his first poem in the magazine Renovación (no copy of which exists today).
 Federico García Lorca. Fuente Vaqueros, Granada, 1899. 
 Federico García Lorca. Granada, 1904. 
 Sentados: Vicenta Lorca Romero y Federico García Rodríguez. De pie: Federico, Concha y Francisco García Lorca. Granada, 1912. 
 Federico y su hermana Isabel García Lorca. Granada, 1914. 
 De pie: Concha y Francisco. Sentados: Federico e Isabel García Lorca. Granada, 1917-1918. 
 Viaje de estudios, Monasterio de Santo Domingo de Silos. Burgos, 1917. 
 Federico y Francisco García Lorca, en su casa granadina de la Acera del Casino, 1918. 
 Federico García Lorca en la Alpujarra. Granada, 1918. 