Presentation | Setting | Huerta de San Vicente 1926-1936 | Federico in the Huerta | Remembrances of Isabel García Lorca | Huerta Remembrances of 1936-2004

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Años cuarenta

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Años noventa

In 1941 the García Lorca family went to Madrid, where they made arrangements for passports that would enable them, the following year, to depart for the United States. The Huerta still belonged to them, and they put a cousin, Carmen García, in charge of its care; she lived there with her family during the forties and the fifties. In the mid sixties, the Correal Trescastro family took over caring for the house.    
At the end of the sixties and beginning of the seventies, Granada underwent rapid urban growth. The buildings advanced toward the Huerta de San Vicente, to “Arabial” street, a name deriving from  Dar al-Bi´ar, which means “fertile land of wells”, owing to the great deal of wells and irrigation channels that existed in that part of the Vega.

By 1975, the surge of the city over the Vega gave rise to a Partial Plan for Urban Order that seriously threatened the survival of the Huerta de San Vicente. Francisco García Lorca, the poet´s brother, led the protests of intellectuals and artists that drew the attention of written media, and they eventually managed to modify the Plan and save the house.   

After the eighties, with the consolidation of democracy in Spain, the persona and the works of Federico García Lorce became generally acknowledged in all realms of social, political and artistic vindication, retrieval and normalization.   

On 6 April, 1985, Isabel García Lorca and the City Hall of Granada signed the documents of sale of the Huerta de San Vicente, which thus became part of the historic and artistic patrimony of the city.   

In 1991, the construction of the ring road around Granada was completed, with one of its stretches, to the south, running just meters from the Huerta de San Vicente.  

In 1992 the Federico García Lorca Park was inaugurated, covering an extension of ten hectares, between Arabial street and the ring road, around the Huerta de San Vicente.  

On May 10, 1995, the Huerta was opened to the public as a House-Museum, under the direction of Laura García-Lorca de los Ríos.

In 1997-2012 It creates the Patronato Municipal Huerta de San Vicente, an autonomous municipality. This autonomous municipal organism manages it to this day. Its statutes put forth as objectives, among others, “the conservation of  Huerta de San Vicente and the dissemination of the work of Federico García Lorca”, for which purpose all sorts of cultural activities are carried out. The  Patronato Municipal Huerta de San Vicente has a stable program of activities that includes exhibitions, concerts, scenic arts, publications, lectures, meetings with writers, book presentations, series of conferences, theater workshops, puppet shows, film series, and activities for children. These are possible thanks to the permanent support of the City Hall of Granada and to the patronage and collaboration of several public and private entities.  

On 16 January, 1998, the King and Queen of Spain, as presidents of honor of the National Commission for the Centennial Celebration, visited the Huerta in what represented the date of initiation of the “Year of Lorca”.  

On February 21, 2004, the signing of the General Protocol of Collaboration for the Creation of the Federico García Lorca Center took place in the Huerta de San Vicente, and the Foundation headquarters were permanently established in the city of Granada. The undersigning institutions were the Ministry of Culture, the Junta de Andalucía, City Hall of Granada, Diputación Provincial de Granada, the Residencia de Estudiantes and the Federico García Lorca Foundation.


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